Because you are who you are, I am who I am; and because I am who I am, you are who you are.

Because you are who you are, I am who I am; and because I am who I am, you are who you are.
Photo by Rachel McDermott

We are constantly bombarded by social media posts that romanticize and normalize loneliness, creating a culture that distances people from one another. Day after day, we are exposed to content that elevates individualism and isolation as ideals to strive for, but it’s important to realize that no one can truly thrive in solitude. Real fulfillment in life comes not from being self-contained, but from connecting with others. We can only grasp the deeper meaning of life through the perspectives and emotions of those around us.

Life’s richness isn’t found in the abstract knowledge of books or the fleeting distractions of the internet; it lies in the authentic relationships we build and the friendships we nurture. Yet, in the modern world, we are subtly encouraged to become indifferent to the struggles and pain of others. Society pushes us toward self-centeredness, planting seeds of apathy in our subconscious. But I believe the key to a meaningful, fulfilled life is love for one another and for humanity as a whole. When you open yourself up to love, you’ll discover that you are never truly alone.

Because you are who you are, I am who I am; and because I am who I am, you are who you are.” Reflect on that our existence and our identities are deeply intertwined.

For Memory of Narin

Because you are who you are, I am who I am; and because I am who I am, you are who you are.

Rest in peace, the most beautiful and delicate girl in the world… The innocence in your eyes, the light in your soul will always remain with us. Though the brief moments life gave you have left us with indescribable pain, your love and memory will live on forever. You bloomed in our hearts like a flower in its purest form, never to wither…