Strategic Decisions and Audience Reactions in Amazon’s “The Rings of Power”

Strategic Decisions and Audience Reactions in Amazon’s “The Rings of Power”
Numenor Army Rings of Power

Amazon’s “The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power” series is more than just a show with a massive budget and grand production; it’s a cornerstone of a long-term strategy. This project goes beyond traditional television, serving as a key part of Amazon’s vision to strengthen its Prime Video platform globally and introduce Tolkien’s universe to a new generation.

Numenor Architect Rings of Power

Audience Engagement and Strategic Decisions

Only 30% of viewers completed the first season, which highlights a significant issue with audience engagement. The reasons behind this could include a disjointed narrative, lack of character development, scenes that fail to meet expectations, and perhaps adaptation choices that stray too far from the essence of the original material.

Hobbits Second Age Rings of Power

Audiences can lose interest when characters are not deeply developed or when events feel meaningless. For the creators, this should serve as a warning signal. It seems that they may be struggling to fully understand or meet the expectations of viewers. For such a high-profile project with a huge budget, these are concerning challenges.

Galadriel Rings of Power

Amazon’s Long-Term Vision and Strategy

I believe Amazon’s “The Rings of Power” is much more than just a TV show. The company invested billions into this project, and it’s clear that they’re not aiming for a one-season success. There’s a long-term vision here. For Prime Video to compete with giants like Netflix, it needed a solid brand, and Amazon chose Tolkien’s expansive universe to build upon. But that’s just the starting point.

Elrond and Galadriel Rings of Power

With this investment, Amazon might be aiming to transform Prime Video into something beyond just an entertainment platform, creating a narrative universe. Think about how the Marvel Cinematic Universe has provided continuous content for Disney+. Amazon could have a similar goal of building a content machine around “The Rings of Power.”

Galadriel Riding Rings of Power

Production Quality and Visual Impact

One of the fastest ways to grab an audience’s attention is by focusing on stunning visuals. Amazon didn’t hold back on this front. The series’ production quality rivals that of Hollywood’s biggest-budget films. The visual effects are so meticulously crafted that viewers feel like they’re not just in Middle-earth but in an unnamed, immersive fantasy world.

Elf Kİng Gil Galad, Galadriel and Elrong Rings of Power

Visuals play a central role in supporting the story both aesthetically and narratively. Some scenes feel like you’re gazing at a painting. This high production quality lays a strong foundation for the show to become a classic in the long run. Amazon might be trying to engage viewers visually first, pulling them into the story later. This strategy could help the series be remembered as a visual masterpiece in the future.

Hobbits Rings of Power

Taking Risks with Storytelling

Now, let’s talk about the story. Many viewers complained about the slow pace and how some storylines seemed disconnected. But this could be part of Amazon’s calculated strategy. Instead of following a conventional narrative structure, the series takes the audience on a long journey. These kinds of stories don’t aim for instant gratification but leave a deeper impact over time.

Dwarf Prince (Durin 4) and his wife Rings of Power

For some viewers, the slow pace can be frustrating, especially in today’s fast-consumption culture where everyone wants immediate resolution. However, Amazon’s risk here might be in asking viewers to be patient, as events unfold slowly. This slow beginning might set the stage for major events in future seasons. If the story progresses at this pace, it could be laying the groundwork for surprises later on.

Numenor Princes, Elendil, Isildur Rings of Power

Amazon is taking a bold step here—rather than handing everything to the audience upfront, they’re encouraging us to take our time and savor the long-term experience. This risk could pay off in future seasons when viewers look back and better understand why the first season progressed the way it did.

Sauron and South Folks Rings of Power

Expectations of Gen Z and Amazon’s Strategy

Gen Z has grown up in a world where information is instantly accessible and constantly flowing. As a result, content needs to grab attention quickly and keep it. This generation is typically adept at juggling multiple tasks and can easily adapt to stories with depth and complexity. However, they also expect content to be short, punchy, and direct.

Hobbits second age Rings of Power

Amazon may be experimenting with new storytelling methods to meet the varied expectations of its audience, especially Gen Z. Part of this strategy could involve deliberately leaving gaps or creating seemingly illogical elements in the narrative, which serve to provoke thought and spark discussion.

Celebrimbor and Elrond second age Rings of Power

Tolkien’s Legacy and How It’s Reflected in the Show

Consider Tolkien’s massive legacy his works are considered almost sacred. Loyal fans quickly spot and criticize even the smallest deviations. “The Rings of Power” has naturally faced its share of such criticism. Some viewers feel the series doesn’t fully honor the spirit and details of Tolkien’s original works, with the creative team making changes that drift too far from the source material.

Queen of Numenor Rings of Power

However, I see Amazon’s strategy as an attempt not just to cater to the legacy fans but also to introduce Tolkien’s world to a modern audience. This is a delicate balance because the creators must satisfy the diehard fans while also attracting a new generation. Amazon may be trying to respect Tolkien’s spirit while modernizing and expanding the universe. These updates might be meant to bring the world of Tolkien to a broader audience.

Galadriel Rings of Power

For some Tolkien purists, this can be difficult, as deviations from the familiar world may feel unsettling. But in the long run, Amazon’s approach could be the right move to engage both longtime fans and newcomers.

Numenor Rings of Power

Peter Jackson and Amazon’s Divergent Approaches

Peter Jackson’s “The Lord of the Rings” and “The Hobbit” films adhered closely to Tolkien’s descriptions, with a more traditional casting approach. His films featured predominantly white, Western actors, staying true to a more British, classic aesthetic.

Numenor Rings of Power

On the other hand, Amazon’s “The Rings of Power” has adopted a more inclusive approach. This can be seen as a strategy to reflect today’s diverse audience and reach a wider demographic. Seeing elves and other characters portrayed by actors of different ethnic backgrounds aligns with Amazon’s attempt to meet modern audience expectations and global market demands.

An Orc second age Rings of Power

These two approaches reflect the broader cultural and aesthetic differences within the film and television industry.

Middle earth map with Numenor scond age Rings of Power

If Peter Jackson doesn’t choose a more diverse cast for his new project, we can explain it in a few ways. First, Jackson may simply prefer to stay faithful to Tolkien’s works and preserve the original character descriptions. This would align with his more traditional and source-loyal filmmaking style.

Creations from shadow world Rings of Power

Second, Jackson’s previous films suggest that his casting and storytelling choices reflect his personal artistic vision. This might mean that he’s targeting a narrower demographic, closer to the British, classical film tradition.

Sauron and Galadriel Rings of Power

Finally, Jackson’s casting choices could be more commercially driven, aimed at avoiding risks or appealing to the expectations of his loyal fanbase.

Whatever direction Jackson chooses, it will be fascinating to see how he approaches this new project. It will also be an interesting test case within the ongoing diversity and inclusion debates in modern cinema.


Cultural Diversity and Inclusivity

One of the most discussed aspects of the show is the diversity of its characters. Amazon made a bold move by incorporating characters of various ethnic backgrounds into Tolkien’s universe. Some fans aren’t happy about this, but it can be seen as part of Amazon’s effort to adapt the story for a modern world. Prime Video’s audience is global, and Amazon has made sure different ethnic groups are represented in the cast so that viewers can see themselves in the story.


This diversity offers viewers a chance to identify with the characters and find their place within the narrative. Expanding cultural representation in this way makes the show more inclusive. While some argue that this move doesn’t align with Tolkien’s original world, Amazon’s strategy to reach a broader range of viewers is notable. Perhaps this choice wasn’t just about modernizing the story but also about ensuring that a global audience embraces it.

Dwarf Prince Rings of Power

I remain optimistic about Amazon’s “The Rings of Power” because my curiosity for seeing new interpretations and my love for Tolkien’s magical universe keeps me invested in this project. Yes, the series has faced criticism, but reimagining such a vast world is never easy. Amazon has taken a bold step in attempting to bring this enormous universe to modern viewers. These risks and innovations excite me because each new version of Tolkien’s world offers an opportunity to expand and deepen it further. My affection for Tolkien’s universe keeps me eager to follow this journey and patiently see how it evolves in the long term.